Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC]-What the heck...

    He wanders the pitch black room looking, searching for something. The floorboard creaks with each step he takes. Unable to see into the darkness he lets his arms become his eyes. Thinking he knows where the object he desires is suddenly feels a sharp instant pain against his toes. Yelping from the sudden shock he jumps back grasping his foot in pain. Moments later he regains his balance and slowly starts across the room again walking slower this time. Letting his arms guide him he feels a cold, rough, and smooth feeling against his hands. He continues down the path letting his new surrounding guide him.
      As he continues down he hits a sudden object this time against his body around the chest area, seconds later he hears a crash against the ground a glass like breaking sound. He stops to process what had just happened, then continues his walk this time more cautiously and straying to the left hoping to avoid the shattered object on the ground. By now he feels a wet sensation on his toes as well as a certain numbness. After taking his next step  he feels another great pain against his foot, but it was different this time it had a     more of a sharp stabbing feeling to it.Quickly jumping back once again this time though he looses his footing, falling backwards hitting his head against the hard cold floorboard. Now on the ground trying to put together what had just occurred he can feel the cold wet sensation as felt on his toe before now slowly coming down the side of his face. Laying there still, he feels himself slowly drift off almost like a sleep but different he didn't know why, but it was different. He quickly realized what was probably coming down and shakes himself awake.
       Slowly he tries to get up using the rough, cold object from earlier as support. Groaning in pain he begins his walk(more like limping now) to the other direction this time. Since his other hand was being used to help support him he uses his other hand as once again his "eyes". He lets his hand roam where ever it wishes after a while he hits an object but this time the sound it made was more of a hollow like sound. It almost felt like the thing he was supporting himself on but this time more of a light hollow, fibrous feeling. The hand roams down and grasps a cold metal feeling object he then turns the object using his wrist and pulling back at the same time. A sudden gush of fresh cold air hits his face along with a bright light. Then with great enthusiasm hops out with one leg but at the same time losses his balance once again tripping and goes down head first into the cold hard wooden floorboard. Laying there he feels the wet sensation flow out  rapidly around him, able to see it now he realizes what it is, his own blood.Now to tired and hurt to do anything he lets himself fade into darkness once again.

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