Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE]-Way of the future

I was looking through the my class blog I saw that my teacher Mr.sutherland posted's possible to do your homework on some of them. Cough, cough. (Hey, not everybody can bring in a laptop every day, right?)
   After reading this i couldnt helped but chuckle to myself because its actualy possible. I own an EVO 4G and I have typed up my homework on that small thing.  Last year I typed up a draft of my paper with the android because there was no computer available and my english teacher would not let me leave the room. I ended up typing it up in a little over half an hour later (it is espically convienient with its auto correct system). Afterwards I simply emailed the document to my self on gmail, then I simply went to the media center after class, got on a computer accessed my the email and printed it out. Therefore I do not see why the schools wants to band cellphones. They are a big part of everyone's everyday lives. How? becuase it is so convienient for individuals with the phones many apps/features from the caculator(also graphing) to word document programs, it just makes the whole student life a lot simplier, and easier.
   Furthermore the new smart phones like the Iphone, and android phones are the way of the future. Devices such as the ipad and new android tablets will inevitably replace traditional textbooks. So in possibly, in a couple years, or even longer we could be looking at a school which runs on ipads, android tablets, etc. Having these would also(again) make it easier on the students, although it is may(probobly will be) much more expensive, but easier on their backs. For example, students would not have to go all the way to computer labs anymore nor would they need them. With the new tablets and such, students could type up their essay, check their email, and browse the web all in one classroom at 3-4G speeds, way faster than  the computers at the school.

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