Thursday, September 29, 2011

[ESSAY]-We're not like them

         Are there differances between ourselves and the animals we know today? As Machavelli a Reniassaicne historian once stated in a paper; humans are the ultimate beings in the universe because god gave us reason and choice. Is that true? I believe that we are different from the other creatures in our world. Wether it be our human emotions, or our human qualities. All I know is that we're different from other creatures but similar in some ways, I mean why else would we call ourselves human? For example, one quality that we have that most animals in the animal kingdom dont have is the ability to communicate.

        One of the greatest form of intelligence in today's world is communication from either languages to gestures, to even something like Morse code. Sure most animals can communicate, but what makes human's communication so special is that we have a more advanced way of communicating to each other. For instance, we have so many different languages, and in those languages millions of words.In the end its pretty hard to find something that doesn't have a word to it. For instance, if we did have a word that we don't have a word for we could at least explain the event/thing we want to talk about.

         We are most similar to the animals in the animal kingdom in the sense of oral communication, and gestures.Take dogs for example they use barks as a way of communicating with us for either telling us that they "have to go" or that they want food.While we ourselves also have a way of telling each other that by either saying "I'm hungry", or "I need to go to the bathroom".So in the end if you think about it human language and animal calls are basically the same ,we just have a lot more calls than they do. Gestures are another great way of communicating in the world. For instance, we either shake hands with someone or wave to them as a sign of greeting them. Animals also have this skill as well, going back to dogs for instance, when a dog is happy his/her tail wags high back and forth signally(or symbolizing) his/her happiness.

          One communication skill that no other creature in the world but us has is our ability to talk through writing or literature. Being able to write has given us a great advantage through time. It has allowed us to exchange information, spread stories, and even introduce new ideas to the world. Even thouugh we still have cellphones we still communicate a lot through our writing for instacnce, social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ , and instant messaging have given us the ability to keep in touch with each other all day and night, when ever we want and,where ever we want. For example, Martin Luther during the 15th century wanted to reform the church so he wrote his ideas, and thoughts in German (specifically the 95 these) so that the many lower class individuals could read and relate to it, thus it made it easier for Luther to spread his ideas of the church and get a reformation of the church going.

      One flaw that comes with out language though is that we commonly mis communicate. For instance when one person says one something to one person and the person reciveing it gets a slightly or entirely different message. This has lead to many conflicts in our everyday lives such as large arguements, or even many unfortunate mishaps. For example, If a man in the relationship said "That girl is a really good friend of mine" the woman could interpret that in an entirly different way.

      Gestures are one way of communicating to someone or someting else in our world. For example we wave/handshake someone as a way of greeting them, oppose to dogs/some other animals who sniff their other animal's anus as a way fo saying hello(yes it is quite awkward). Another form of gestures is something such as sign language, a very complex way of communicating with others, this is used by people who cant hear and have to rely on their sight to talk to others. This has also been done with people to animal mostly with chimps, and gorillas our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.

      If there is one thing we have that animals defiantly don't have is technology which we also use to communicate with. We all know that these days people can talk to each other through the internet through social websites such has Facebook, Twitter, Google+. These sites have enabled us to furthermore talk, and even see what the other individual is doing or where he/she is at(kinda creepy and stalkerish). Furthermore people can find out events, disasters, etc. through the news which is another form of communication. The media is a excellent example of how far our communication skills have gotten. The radio, TV, and internet one of the greatest communication successes we have probably had in history. People through the radio, TV, and internet are able to advertise, sell, etc. Websites such as youtube have become great source of media communication, through this website musical artists have been able to communicate with other viewers, and thus have become famous on the internet now. Cellphones are another form of technological communication, through this small device we now even able to talk to one another from either a mile to a thousand miles away. The internet has also created these sites called "forums: where individuals can get help with a specific problem and have other people help him solve that problem. For example say that an individual's computer was malfunctioning, the person could just simply post it online and wait for another individual with superior knowledge with the situation come and help.
     Communication is a definite quality that separates us from other creatures out there in the animal kingdom. Communication is also one of mankind's greatest triumphs in history, without the advance communication that we have today and even before the modern age it would be hard to see where we would be at in history. 


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