Monday, September 5, 2011


Name is Nick, not Nicole, not Nicky, not Dick, just Nick. Good now that we’ve got that out of the way. Welcome to my blog, I hope to post Columns, essays, or small posts up a couple times a week about anything I find interesting. My hobbies are building models such as planes, tanks, etc and painting them as well. I also like playing videogames, hanging out with friends, and going to play paintball. My favorite sports are badminton, football, Frisbee, soccer, and little bit of baseball. I don’t travel quite that much the last place I traveled to that was pretty far and interesting was Vietnam and Hong Kong back in 2009. I liked the experience because it showed how really different the other side of the world is and how culturally different we are from one another. I hope to in the future travel to other parts of the western country such as France, Germany, The United Kingdom, etc.
     I play three instruments the piano, guitar, and the alto saxophone. My current goal in music is to start a band with my friends. I also hope that after I finish mastering guitar I could play bass or the ukulele.
      I am the middle child of three kids in my family I have an older brother, and a younger brother, and also two parents (of course). My mother came from Vietnam when she was fourteen years old because of the war that was raging. She first immigrated to Canada and then to the United States when she met my father who came from Hong Kong when he was twelve years old. My school work has always been at the B and maybe A level so this year I hope to make them all A’s. In the future I hope to become a computer engineer or some kind of biological chemist. I want to go to either UC Berkeley or UC Davis. With most people, they don’t actually know that I’m a Sophomore and Last year they had the “:O” going on when they found out that I’m a freshman.  My writing goals this year include almost anything from spelling to Vocabulary. I hope to improve my writing in both historical and first person writing. I furthermore, want to find out who the “inner” writer inside me is. For example am I a social writer, artistic writer, sport writer, etc anything like that.   

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