Friday, September 9, 2011

[FREE] 9/11

Since the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 was quickly approaching, my English teacher, Mr. Sutherland decided to start a class discussion of how 9/11 changed the world. During the discussion I was surprised of how some of my fellow student’s thoughts and reactions about the event. They believed that people all over the world should just not celebrate, and forget about 9/11, to me that seemed a little disrespectful. By simply forgetting this even, it would not only be greatly disrespectful to the people who died in the disaster, but also to the heroes who were brave enough to go into the building and help. Furthermore forgetting an event like this is almost like forgetting a loved one, it’s just not right. While debating about, an individual commented about a 3 year old boy who was killed due to a cross-fire in Oakland not too long ago.
     He tried comparing that event to the 9/11 which is quite different. Before I go on I am not trying to imply that the child who died is not important. In a matter of hours during 9/11 2,000 people died, while the child who died in Oakland was one person. I am basically trying to say is that there is a somewhat big gap between these two events.   Once again I am not trying to say that the child that died isn’t important it is just that 9/11 and the incidents in Oakland are two very different scenarios.

1 comment:

  1. Hi NICK! Responded to your blog... [:
