Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[FREE]- Bucket List

       I wonder how many people have an actual bucket list. I pondered for a good hour once on my bed trying to think of what I would do and i came up with some (in my opinion) good ones, and good ones as in not "become a billionaire", or "get a Ferrari(although maybe possible)". I've never been much of a traveler the last trip it was on the week of summer before school to LA, my last vacation before that was 2-3 years ago to Vietnam  for three weeks. Thus, lately I've wanted to go traveling more, so my first goal before I die would be to travel to all the countries in the world starting in the United States , and hopefully most of Europe and Asia . But if that doesn't work out my first stop that i would;d defiantly go to would be Hawaii. Ever since i was a kid I have listened to stories of how great and beautiful the island was.
     Number 2 on the list would be to become a climber, specifically a mountain climbing, even though it seems dangerous from I've seen on TV, but what ever  it looks treacherous and fun. I hope to one day climb to the top of Mount Everest( I know bit of a long shot).
     3rd on my list is something that i cant necessarily really attain it kinda depends on genetics and myself physically, I also hope to grow to 6ft, I know not really a goal, but hey its my bucket list not yours! Sports are a big part of my life, and I love playing sports(i mean who doesn't). I specifically play badminton, and my long term goal with the sport is to become an A ranked player and hopefully win a tournament before I go off to high school. My last and biggest goal for myself is probably one that everyone would agree with me on, I wish to live a good, healthy, long and happy life. yea see you would probably agree with me on that i mean if u didn't you probably would have offed yourself by now. 


  1. GO TO EUROPE. it's amazing! i recommend Venice or Paris.

  2. I did mine bucket list similar to you! reposted and everything about you!

  3. hello :) I have a bucket list tooo. http://gigiisthebomb.blogspot.com/2011/10/re-i-have-bucket-list.html
