Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[CE]- Texas wildfire

I've found an interesting story about natural disasters and i decided to share it with you

My heart goes out to the people in Texas as over the last couple days a wildfire proves to be fatal as hundreds of people are left homeless. “Worst wildfire in history” individuals are saying. I believe that this is a good example that Global Warming is truly happening and that if we don’t start changing it could leave dire consequences. This is a great example for the people who don’t believe in global warming that it is very very real. If we don’t change the wildfires might not be the only things that we have to worry about, other natural disasters such a rises in sea levels, and hurricanes could also be a more frequent possibility. Anyways it turns out that the wildfire has proved to be a fierce foe that even local firefighters have trouble keeping it in check. The wildfire is said to be so bad that some residents in Texas have fled their home and moved into safe houses for the time being waiting and hoping that the fire blows over soon.
 The same predicament has also occurred in the South California Mountains where about 650 residents have also fled their homes to safe houses. Furthermore, matters became worse when in Texas as if one wild fire was bad enough, it is hypothesized that two giant wild fires met and merged together creating and giant mega wildfire. Another prime example that global warming is real and natural disasters are becoming more and more common and that we need to change for the better soon.       

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