Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE]-Its about time

Wandering through google reader/the news I found this:

The US policy banning gays from serving openly in the military ends on Tuesday, and the Pentagon says it is prepared for the change.
Looking at this article i find it nice that people are beginning to see homosexual people as regular people who are just like us,  except well yea u know. Also while reading I found out that the goverment rejected gays from the army, I definatly did not know that haha. The goverents new "Dont ask dont tell policy" is a good way to reslove the problem but it kinda says that they dont really want to change theyre just tolerating it which is good because that is hopefully a first step to accepting gays into our society.
     I do not understand why society dislikes gays so much. Is it because of religon? or just because we our selves are scared of them? I'm not saying i am gay or anything, but i believe that homosexual people have a right to be who they are and who they want to be with just like us(or most of us) we can choose what we want to do with our lives, becuase we ourselves are not that much different from them. Anyways seeing that the goverment has lifted the law/rule that gay could not join they army i think it is again quite a big step becuase it is a sign that society is beginning to accept them into society. Furthermore it is good for the army becuase this way we gain more volunteers for our army. 


  1. YESSSS god that rule pissed me off.

  2. i know right when i saw that i was like
    "really there is a rule for that O.o...."
