Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[FREE]-Can we live without Technology??

      Technology has become a primary part of our lives from devices such as a small cellphones to a laerge telivision. It has become the first "go to" for entertainment and is abundantly used everyday. Now the question is: can we survive/live without technology? Have we become so dependent on it that we can not live without it? Lets face it technology has created a simplier, more convinient life for us. We can contact anyone in the world in a matter of seconds, travel to far places faster than ever, and even have instant information at will because of the internet.
     I believe that we coud live without technology, it would just make our everyday lives much harder and more inconvient of course. It could even make our lives more dangerous infact. Without windows, heaters, houses we'd be out in the open vulnerable to cold, and even predators. Furthermore, our form of entertainment would switch from electronics to possiblly sports. Bassically we would be forced to get off our lazy ass and actually do something benificial to our health(I am kidding i know there are athletic people out there, this is a joke).
     Even though technology itself is great and all, we have many uses for it, but are we becoming top dependant on it? For example, children these days are using calculators to do most of their math for them. Why? because technology has also made us lazy. We should have a back up plan in case something does actually happen. For instance computers, televisions, cellphones, etc runs on electricity. What happens when the power generators blows, or something unfortunate happens and we are left powerless for days, months? What would we do? So what I'm basically trying to say here is that we should keep using technology, but we should not rely fully on it.

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