Thursday, October 20, 2011

[RE]- Yea it is a real sport

So i was looking through class blogs and I found this post :

     LOL i just made a post about this XD, anyways hi Chris I respectfully disgree with you because although badminton is not very televised here, it is in other areas in countries like China, and Malaysia.The sport is played by lots of individuals there, and if you actually try to play competitively the sport changes completly  it becomes more fast paced, and you have to run a lot more, I know this because i thought the same as you once and after starting to play competitively i saw the sport in a whole different way. I know i may sound really wordy right now its just because i want to get more words down haha.
     Anyways the sport is in the Olympics so thats one reason why its an actual sport, furthermore if you try searching up videos on youtube or something and find an actual competitive game it is really amazing how fast they can play. If you watch the singles players play they may make it seem easy but when you get on the actual court and try doing the actual footwork it is a lot more harder trust me I've tried it.Anyways you can still think what you like i just for one needed something to write about and two hope to have changed you're opinion.


  1. This is hilarious. Nia and I were JUST talking about you and your badminton club. I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on this. Badminton is a silly sport.
