Thursday, October 13, 2011


              Earlier today my English teacher Mr. Sutherland thought he'd try to convince us one last time that we (the class our generation) were getting fucked over by the government. He ended up showing us "Capitalism a love Story". After watching that I was in utter shock, because our government at the moment is basically run by multi million dollar industries who are greedy and made people’s lives miserable by making money off of them. Our poverty rates are rising more and more, the line between low and high class and slowly disappearing along with the middle class. For example PA Child Care in Mulksberry, Pennsylvania has one of the most corrupt systems I have ever seen.  They took closed down their public juvenile hall, and built an eight million dollar private one, and sold it back to the county at fifty-eight million dollars. Mulksberry has the highest rate of juvenile locked up in the juvenile homes.
             In the movie, the children did minor crimes such as smoking pot, fighting at shopping malls, and even fighting at the dinner table. They basically first hand experienced Capitalism. “Time is money”. Robert Powell cut a deal with Judge Chiverella; he then kicked up his conviction rates. Why? So they could get more money into their greedy pockets. By doing this Chiverella received 2.6 million dollars, and the owners of PA Child Care received 10’s of millions of tax payer dollars from the county. Thus just like that 6,500 children were wrongly convicted. They basically paid the judges to keep their stupid cells filled.  


  1. If you hated that, you should check out WWASP facilities. I did a post on one but doing your own research will probably result in your outrage. This is because the debauchery at these places is baffling. 1000% unacceptable. Anyway, I am glad you are concerned, there is much to be concerned about!!!

  2. The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity. We have been cursed with the reign of gold long enough. For myself, I want no advantage over my fellow man, and if he is weaker than I, all the more is it my duty to help him.
