Thursday, October 20, 2011


Ok this one was an uhhhhh: article

     Ok so this one is an interesting one, i guess in a final attempt joke or something this owner set 56 exotic animals loose into society. Schools were shut and  residents were told to stay home on Wednesday as the animals roamed inside and out of the 73-acre farm near Zanesville in eastern Ohio. Yeaaaa...not a good idea, almost all of the animals were killed besides two leopards, a grizzly bear, and two macaque monkeys. Thats all  that survuved out of 56 animals, and Authorities killed 48 of the 56 animals, some at close range, including the tigers, six black bears, two grizzlies and seventeen lions, one of the big cats even got to a highway and was hit.
     Its a real tragedy that these animals had to be killed for something that could have been very much prevented. It is said that the owner Terry Thompson had some finacial problems, thus shooting himeself after he set the animals loose into the rural area. The animals were pretty much all killed and all accounted for except for one monkey.

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