Friday, October 7, 2011

[RE]- Poverty

I was looking through blog posts when i came across this written by a fellow student as well
This video came as a surprise to me because I never knew that the poverty levels were so high in the United States. 
 I agree with that statement after watching that video, because it does come to a surprise to me that our economy has become so low. More than 46 million people are in poverty in the united States, i never thought it as that bad sure i knew the economy was pretty bad but i never knew that it stemmed this low. This is evidence that the government has to get involved with the people in poverty and help them through this time of need. As said in the blog, some people are barley making ends meet, the stress they must be under everyday to work all day get a couple hours of sleep and then go back to work, day after day. Poverty has become a huge issue since 1993, and has been rising. In 2008 13.2 percent (39.8 million people) of Americans lived in poverty, it rose again in 2009 to 14.6 percent( 43.6 million people). Then in 2011 last month on September 13, 2011 the United States Census Bureau announced that 15.1 percent (46 million people) of Americans are living in poverty.
     Obviously a trend is beginning to grow, thus it is evident that we need to get the government in on this but the government  has other things on its plate at the moment so i don't know if they will have the time to consider this. The gap between the rich and the poor is continually growing year after year, so if we dont do anything soon it could turn for the worse.

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