Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[CE]- European meltdown

 So the European economy is pretty much getting screwed over right now and here is why:
Expectations are low as European leaders open talks in Brussels aimed at finding a solution to the worst economic crisis in the region's history. 
      So about 10 yeas ago the Europeans came up with the brilliant idea that they should combine all their currencies together to create one currency called the euro. Before doing this others around Europe warned the Europeans to not combine their currencies together because they were not ready to do so yet, or they were not united enough. They didn't listen probably thinking that it would not happen, well now it has. It all started with Greece who is in some major debt to the other European countries, and other states around them. Basically the problem is in Europe if one European state screws up it affects other states around them. So in this case Greece was the one that screwed up, and the other countries are pissed because if they don't solve this problem its going to affect them as well, thus they need to use their money and help Greece out.
      Unfortunately all of Europe is affected by this economic downfall. Europe knows that big sacrifices are going to be made, they are trying to figure out how they are gonna do it and how they are gonna distribute this sacrifice to the other countries around them.

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