Thursday, October 20, 2011

[FREE]-Just shut up -.o

       Badminton is a very popular sport in areas such as China, Malaysia, and even the United Kindgom. In China, badminton is basically the basketball over there; yea, it is that popular. Anyways, I played football my freshman year of high school and then switched to badminton the following year. Now I'm getting a load of crap from everyone about playing badminton and how it’s a "girl's sport" and what not; heck some of them didn’t even consider it a sport. It really pisses me off how people can just judge people and a sport like that. I’m sure half- no, all of them haven't even played the sport. If you ever get to see competitive badminton, it is a quick paced, exhausting game. For example, during a singles match, the players who know what they are doing make the footwork and playing seem easy, but in reality it’s exhausting. Trust me. I've tried it.  It's amazing how people can just simply judge things like this these days. Haven't people ever heard the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover?" Yea, same thing applies here.
           For people who do not believe that badminton is a real sport, it may not be as popular here, but in areas outside the United States like China, Japan, and Malaysia, badminton is huge over there. It is widely televised and lots of people play it. Even though it may not seem much here, it is in other countries.

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