Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[FREE]-A Dream Deffered

     A dream deffered, is a true dissapointment. Why? becuase a dream put off, or "sidelined" is one less benefit to the world (assuming its good). It is such a dissapointment, a dream, their prime goal in their life, their prime  motviation if you will. A dream "side lined" is basically ignored, it may come pop up in one's conscience ever once in a while, but never again as a dream. It is kind of like an ex boyfriend or girlfriend if you kind of think about it honestly. Like they would like each other at one point, but after the relationship is over when they see each other again, they dont look at each other the same way, they look only look at each other as friends (or less).
    A dream, as I said earlier is like a goal one's prime motivation. Without a goal in life, what is there to live for? There must be a ceratin thing that we want to furfill in our lifetime. Why? to make our lives meaningful and not just a waste. To throw that oppurtunity away and to just live life lazily is a pure dissapointment and you might as well just die honestly. If one does throw away a dream they should have at least another one to fall back on that way it dosnt look so bad when you finally move on from that dream. Some dreams may be unattainable, and thats ok, so one must have multiple dreams (hopefully ones that are attainable), and when one does have one hopefully they wont stop till they attain it. 

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