Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[BC]-Living Life to the fullest

     Steve Jobs who you may have heard recently passed on Octovober 5,2011 away due to cancer. jobs was a man who made a massive innovational impact on the world through his inventions in technology. I recently read a quote by Job's presented to me by my english teacher. "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the best choices in life"-Steve Jobs in a speech in 2005. I respectfully disagree with this statement althought it is a certainly good way to make choices. I disagree because when ever I must make a difficult life choice I never thought that I would not be around one day. Usuall when making a difficult choice I would consider the outcome of the situation, and how it would affact me and others around me, before making an actual choice
     I'm not saying that Job's advice is incorrect, I'm sure there are individuals out there who know they are going to die one day and live everyday of their lives to the fullest. "Becuase almost everything-all external exceptions, all pride, all fear or embarrassment or failure-these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important"-also by Steve Jobs in a 2005 speech. I agree with this part of the advice though becuase all the things about pride, embaressment, etc. goes away with you when you finally "kick the bucket". For instance, when an individual does something embraessing the individuals around him/her usually just remember the event for a ceratin amount of time.
    My advice to people that would help them "make big life choices" is that when making ur choice always think about how this affects themselves, the others around them, and how they would react to their choice. Why do I believe this? Because for one this is what my parents keep telling me so I'm assuming its good advice, and two because this way the individual kind of "looks to the future" and know what the consequences might be in making that choice.  Furthermore, the individual would have a less likely chance of regretting the choice they have made. 
     If I started to follow the advice Steve suggested like tomrrow,or anytime in the near or distant future, I don't know what would happen. So everything I am saying please take with a grain of salt becuase I have not tried using Job's advice therefore i do not know if it is better than mine or not (basically i have a biased opinion). Then again I'm only 15 high schooler still living with his parents, and he owned a multibillion dollar company, so Job probably knows what he is talking about. If I did start to follow the advice though i have a rough idea of how that would turn out for me. I would try to do everything in one day and get extrremly tired extremly fast, which kind of sucks. Remeber I have not tried this advice yet so don't take my word for it. Thus ends the rant lol...

P.S. I know this seems like a really random post, my englisht teacher made me write this LOL XD

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