Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[CE]- European meltdown

 So the European economy is pretty much getting screwed over right now and here is why:
Expectations are low as European leaders open talks in Brussels aimed at finding a solution to the worst economic crisis in the region's history. 
      So about 10 yeas ago the Europeans came up with the brilliant idea that they should combine all their currencies together to create one currency called the euro. Before doing this others around Europe warned the Europeans to not combine their currencies together because they were not ready to do so yet, or they were not united enough. They didn't listen probably thinking that it would not happen, well now it has. It all started with Greece who is in some major debt to the other European countries, and other states around them. Basically the problem is in Europe if one European state screws up it affects other states around them. So in this case Greece was the one that screwed up, and the other countries are pissed because if they don't solve this problem its going to affect them as well, thus they need to use their money and help Greece out.
      Unfortunately all of Europe is affected by this economic downfall. Europe knows that big sacrifices are going to be made, they are trying to figure out how they are gonna do it and how they are gonna distribute this sacrifice to the other countries around them.

[RE]- How cruel is society??

     I was looking through class blogs and I found this article which i also saw yesterday so i thought Id share it.

     Early Friday morning the 2 year old girl by the name of Xiao Yueyue in China died after a week of being in a coma.
     After coming out of the shower yesterday my older brother came up and showed me a horrific youtube video of a young girl getting hit by a car. The video exhibited i dont know what to call it domestic violence (probobly not) , or child abuse. The young two year old girl was a victim to a hit and run accident, the van hit her and just left her for dead. If you think thats bad the worst and most surprising part of this video was that 18 citizens just walked past her not even lending a hand to heplp the poor girl. Furthermore to make it even worse a second car came and ran her a over, it was as if the driver didn't even notice her. When a women did finally come to lend a hand she only picked her up as if she was an inanimate object, and dragged her to the side of the road while she was STILL ALIVE. She was finally taken to a hospitol when the child's mother came and saw her picking her up and quickly taking her to a hospitol. The young girl then fell into a coma and died in the hospitol shortly after.
     I dont know what you think, but i think there is something very wrong with the society over there. Maybe its just that people there have no moral value, I don't know but this is a prime example of how destroyed, and corrupted out society is today.

[FREE]-A Dream Deffered

     A dream deffered, is a true dissapointment. Why? becuase a dream put off, or "sidelined" is one less benefit to the world (assuming its good). It is such a dissapointment, a dream, their prime goal in their life, their prime  motviation if you will. A dream "side lined" is basically ignored, it may come pop up in one's conscience ever once in a while, but never again as a dream. It is kind of like an ex boyfriend or girlfriend if you kind of think about it honestly. Like they would like each other at one point, but after the relationship is over when they see each other again, they dont look at each other the same way, they look only look at each other as friends (or less).
    A dream, as I said earlier is like a goal one's prime motivation. Without a goal in life, what is there to live for? There must be a ceratin thing that we want to furfill in our lifetime. Why? to make our lives meaningful and not just a waste. To throw that oppurtunity away and to just live life lazily is a pure dissapointment and you might as well just die honestly. If one does throw away a dream they should have at least another one to fall back on that way it dosnt look so bad when you finally move on from that dream. Some dreams may be unattainable, and thats ok, so one must have multiple dreams (hopefully ones that are attainable), and when one does have one hopefully they wont stop till they attain it. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Ok this one was an uhhhhh: article

     Ok so this one is an interesting one, i guess in a final attempt joke or something this owner set 56 exotic animals loose into society. Schools were shut and  residents were told to stay home on Wednesday as the animals roamed inside and out of the 73-acre farm near Zanesville in eastern Ohio. Yeaaaa...not a good idea, almost all of the animals were killed besides two leopards, a grizzly bear, and two macaque monkeys. Thats all  that survuved out of 56 animals, and Authorities killed 48 of the 56 animals, some at close range, including the tigers, six black bears, two grizzlies and seventeen lions, one of the big cats even got to a highway and was hit.
     Its a real tragedy that these animals had to be killed for something that could have been very much prevented. It is said that the owner Terry Thompson had some finacial problems, thus shooting himeself after he set the animals loose into the rural area. The animals were pretty much all killed and all accounted for except for one monkey.

[RE]- Yea it is a real sport

So i was looking through class blogs and I found this post :

     LOL i just made a post about this XD, anyways hi Chris I respectfully disgree with you because although badminton is not very televised here, it is in other areas in countries like China, and Malaysia.The sport is played by lots of individuals there, and if you actually try to play competitively the sport changes completly  it becomes more fast paced, and you have to run a lot more, I know this because i thought the same as you once and after starting to play competitively i saw the sport in a whole different way. I know i may sound really wordy right now its just because i want to get more words down haha.
     Anyways the sport is in the Olympics so thats one reason why its an actual sport, furthermore if you try searching up videos on youtube or something and find an actual competitive game it is really amazing how fast they can play. If you watch the singles players play they may make it seem easy but when you get on the actual court and try doing the actual footwork it is a lot more harder trust me I've tried it.Anyways you can still think what you like i just for one needed something to write about and two hope to have changed you're opinion.

[FREE]-Just shut up -.o

       Badminton is a very popular sport in areas such as China, Malaysia, and even the United Kindgom. In China, badminton is basically the basketball over there; yea, it is that popular. Anyways, I played football my freshman year of high school and then switched to badminton the following year. Now I'm getting a load of crap from everyone about playing badminton and how it’s a "girl's sport" and what not; heck some of them didn’t even consider it a sport. It really pisses me off how people can just judge people and a sport like that. I’m sure half- no, all of them haven't even played the sport. If you ever get to see competitive badminton, it is a quick paced, exhausting game. For example, during a singles match, the players who know what they are doing make the footwork and playing seem easy, but in reality it’s exhausting. Trust me. I've tried it.  It's amazing how people can just simply judge things like this these days. Haven't people ever heard the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover?" Yea, same thing applies here.
           For people who do not believe that badminton is a real sport, it may not be as popular here, but in areas outside the United States like China, Japan, and Malaysia, badminton is huge over there. It is widely televised and lots of people play it. Even though it may not seem much here, it is in other countries.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


              Earlier today my English teacher Mr. Sutherland thought he'd try to convince us one last time that we (the class our generation) were getting fucked over by the government. He ended up showing us "Capitalism a love Story". After watching that I was in utter shock, because our government at the moment is basically run by multi million dollar industries who are greedy and made people’s lives miserable by making money off of them. Our poverty rates are rising more and more, the line between low and high class and slowly disappearing along with the middle class. For example PA Child Care in Mulksberry, Pennsylvania has one of the most corrupt systems I have ever seen.  They took closed down their public juvenile hall, and built an eight million dollar private one, and sold it back to the county at fifty-eight million dollars. Mulksberry has the highest rate of juvenile locked up in the juvenile homes.
             In the movie, the children did minor crimes such as smoking pot, fighting at shopping malls, and even fighting at the dinner table. They basically first hand experienced Capitalism. “Time is money”. Robert Powell cut a deal with Judge Chiverella; he then kicked up his conviction rates. Why? So they could get more money into their greedy pockets. By doing this Chiverella received 2.6 million dollars, and the owners of PA Child Care received 10’s of millions of tax payer dollars from the county. Thus just like that 6,500 children were wrongly convicted. They basically paid the judges to keep their stupid cells filled.